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Sunday, May 19, 2024



What does a woman go through on that first Mother's Day after the death of her daughter.  Not just any child.  This was the first born.  This was the daughter that made her a mother.  Her identity was changed in 1965 because of this one.  

My mother has been a trooper.  She has shed tears for both of her parents, her husband, her first grandson and now her daughter.  I can't begin to imagine the strength that takes because I still have my mother, my husband and I didn't have children to lose.  

All this weighed heavy on me ( her second and last daughter).  I wanted to give my mom a special Mother's Day.   So I planned a road trip, rented a van and my mom and I went for a drive to Saskatchewan.   Our first destination was in Shaunavon at my cousin's ranch... where my mom and I were affectionately greeted by a Saint Bernard by the name of Bella.  

We stayed overnight at the ranch and enjoyed quality time with our family.  We got a tour of the ranch that gave Mom an off-roading experience she won't soon forget.  

Our next stop was in Regina to visit an "old friend".  He had just turned 98.  My Mom has over sixty years of friendship with this man and he was one of the pastors that officiated at my parent's wedding.  So he was on the top of the list to see, as it was most likely the last visit Mom will get with him.  

After our visit, we made our way to Outlook.  My Mom and I are both alumni of a Lutheran boarding school (LCBI) in the outskirts of this small Saskatchewan town.  This year marks seventy years since my Mom graduated from high school.  Every Mother's Day coincides with graduation, so I thought that it would be a treat to take in some of the grad events.  Mom even got acknowledged on Sunday morning.  She was an LCBI celebrity that day!  I looked at the grad class and wondered who would return in 2094 to celebrate their seventieth anniversary from high school.  

Mom and I both were especially excited to see familiar faces that made Mother's Day extra special.  I got to hug a former school mate who was spending her first Mother's Day without her Mom.  It was a beautiful day. 

After having a quick bite to eat and finding some more former classmates, Mom and I made our way to Radisson to spend the rest of the day with good longtime friends.  Mom was greeted with yet another big dog... this time a Rottweiler.  Mom did well to make friends even through big dogs are not her forte.  

We went out for supper and then connected with other friends for the night.  It was a well rounded trip and we were both feeling a loss of energy so we were glad to be heading home.  

I like my road trips with my Mom.  She knits while I drive and we are both somewhat relaxed as long as the road and other drivers are nice to us.  We didn't face a lot of crazy traffic on this trip, and that is always a bonus.  I am thankful for our time together and Mom was so happy to have been with her friends and family.  It's really "all about the people" 

“To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die.” – Thomas Campbell

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